Our parish is committed to the Safeguarding policies of the Catholic Church in England & Wales, in order to ensure that we maintain a peaceful, loving and safe Christian community in which everybody, particularly children, young people and vulnerable members, can confidently participate. We recognise the personal dignity and rights of all vulnerable people, to whom we have a special responsibility and are committed to take all reasonable steps to protect them from any form of abuse or maltreatment and to promote a safe environment for them.

We will liaise closely and openly with statutory agencies to ensure that any concerns or allegations of abuse that are raised are promptly reported and properly responded to, victims supported and perpetrators held to account.

Parish Safeguarding Representative: Mrs. Helena Clarke 01945 880627 or 07787955061

Diocesan Safeguarding Co-ordinator: Mick Thurley 020 8505 4199 or 07429 215344

Our Diocesan Safeguarding Commission implements national policies and procedures, and carries out advisory and supportive functions. See www.rcdea.org.uk

The National Catholic Safeguarding Commission provides advice on all safeguarding matters. See www.catholicsafeguarding.org.uk and www.cbcew.org.uk for more information.

Other safe helpline details:

NSPCC – 0808 800 5000 or if you are18 years or under call Childline – number below or www.nspcc.org.uk or you can email: help@nspcc.org.uk

Childline – Freephone 0800 1111 www.childline.org.uk There is also a link for support on this website for the deaf or hard of hearing.

Age UK – 0800 678 1602 or www.ageuk.org.uk

Action on Elder Abuse – 080 8808 8141 www.elderabuse.org.uk

Modern Day Slavery and UK Human Trafficking – Hotline 0800 0121 700 or 999


Domestic Abuse or coercive control – If it is unsafe to go home or there is immediate danger call 999 straight away

If the person needs an emergency injunction for their safety contact the National Centre for Domestic Violence www.ncdv.org.uk


CSSA audit backs safeguarding services in Diocese of East Anglia

 The Diocese of East Anglia has been awarded a judgment of Comprehensive Assurance by the Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency (CSSA) in an audit of its safeguarding provision.

 The audit was conducted in Spring 2023 and the Executive Summary of its findings have been published here.  It is hoped that parishioners and visitors to our diocese will be reassured by its findings.  Bishop Peter, clergy and all who work and volunteer in the diocese are encouraged by it and remain committed to following up on the small number of recommendations to further improve.  Particular gratitude is due to the Diocese’s Safeguarding Coordinator and Administrator, and to all Parish Safeguarding Representatives for their hard-work and commitment, which is reflected in this report.

Web link to use:


Independent Report into Child Abuse



Statement on the IICSA report


© 2024 Wisbech Catholic Parish

Roman Catholic Diocese of East Anglia (Registered Charity No 278742)

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